Something new (at least to me) at LAS!

IMG_8029On my fifth trip this year to Vegas’s McCarran, I saw something I hadn’t seen before.  Not at McCarran.  Or any other airport, for that matter.  But it’s probably been there all along.  I may have been too busy watching luggage spin around on those carousels to even notice.


No, it wasn’t the artwork I’m so fond of seeing in airports.

No, it wasn’t the slot machines.  Not even Wheel of Fortune that gets you to come over with that methodical TV kinda voice:  “Wheel. Of. Fortune.”

The slots at Vegas.  Even at the airport.

The slots at Vegas. Even at the airport.

And no, it wasn’t all those ads for the headliner shows or even the banner for the Chippendales. (After watching Amazing Race, I always look for Jaymes and James.)

It was something quite simple . . . practical. . . workable — a sign that a chauffeur or greeter held up to indicate who he was looking for.


I’ve seen dozens of these signs, but they were always printed on card stock or affixed to a clipboard.  Not the one held by this man (and lots of other guys at McCarran).

In fact, almost all the meeter/greeter folks were holding iPads boldly showing the name of the intended connection on a bright background.  New to me.

New to you?

Just a little something unexpected you get to see when you travel!


6 thoughts on “Something new (at least to me) at LAS!

  1. terry1954

    I have always had the big cardboard signs used for me. I guess we have to keep up with the times and make sure we spend spend spend on all the new gadgets????? cardboard and markers are cheaper and bigger LOL

    1. Rusha Sams

      I’ll have to admit these iPad signs were pretty cool. In the blink of an eye, the signs can be changed — names, fonts, colors, etc. Not a bad idea, if you ask me!
      Thanks for reading!

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