Travel theme: Modern

In a previous post about the Matthew Cummings Studio (open during the Dogwood Arts Festival’s Art DeTour), we focused on several modern glass creations that caught our attention.  But one in particular  — Temporal Blues by Thoryn Ziemba — drew us in for a closer look.  Artistic, colorful, fluid — the piece could stand in any museum and draw attention.

Temporal Blues by Thoryn Ziemba

Temporal Blues by Thoryn Ziemba

That is, if someone hadn’t broken into the studio recently and knocked it onto the floor, breaking it to pieces.  We’re heartbroken.  And the artist has to be feeling a wide range of emotions at this senseless tragedy.

Is this a modern problem we are facing as a community?  as a society?  Shouldn’t we be treasuring art, not destroying it?

For more examples from Ailsa’s Travel theme: Modern this week, get to her blog Where’s My Backpack?  and take a look.  

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